Family protection detail

Two pairs of Wood ducks, Chenonetta jubata, have made it with their new families to the lake in the Reserve. They typically face roads, speeding cars, and family dogs on their way down to the water, with many ducklings in tow.

Shows family of Wood ducks, Edward Hunter Heritage Bush Reserve

One family, seven ducklings

Show Australian Wood Duck family, 14 ducklings, Edward Hunter Heritage Bush Reseve

Another family, 14 ducklings

It was lovely to stand quietly and watch as the parents of this family (above) shepherded their bundles of fluff around the lake. The very protective parents faced off a bathing magpie, an imperious purple swamp hen and one of the bully-boy pair of domestic ducks that make the lake their home.

Shows Magpie taking a bath, Edward Hunter Heritage Bush Reserve

Magpie takes bath in popular bathing spot…

Shows Magpie, Edward Hunter Heritage Bush Reserve

hops out to dry off a little…

Shows male Wood duck honing in on magpie, Edward Hunter Heritage Bush Reserve

sees male wood duck feeling protective…

Shows male wood duck driving off magpie, Edward Hunter Heritage Bush Reserve

…takes off!

Shows Swamp hen encountering pair of Wood duck parents, Edward Hunter Heritage Bush Reserve

Purple swamp hen (which are known to eat ducklings) puffs up when parents issue warning (while domestic ducks in background retreat with discretion)…

Shows Wood duck and Swamp Hen facing off, Edward Hunter Heritage Bush Reserve

..takes a dance but retreats…

Shows Australian Wood duck family scrambling up onto bank, Edward Hunter Heritage Bush Reserve

everyone scrambles up onto the bank.

Shows mallard cross male approaching Wood duck fmaily, Edward Hunter Heritage Bush Reserve

Brash bully-boy mallard cross gets too close for comfort…

Shows ducklings pressed up against female Wood duck, Edward Hunter Heritage Bush Reserve

But, the female drives him off. Ducklings now resting against their mother’s warmth

The domestic duck castaways enjoy regular feeding by visiting children – although bread is not good for them or the wild water birds who also take advantage. (And the carp, unfortunately, also enjoy the visits.)

Shows variety of water birds, Edward Hunter Heritage Bush Reserve

New platform area seems popular with children (they left the bread) and the water birds

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