Seasonal work

Weed management and working bees

Working bees involving a number of volunteers have been a very effective and low cost means of making a significant impact on the reduction and management of weeds within the Reserve.

An example of a working bee took place in December 2011.

Weed buster day

On a beautiful sunny Saturday morning on the 10th December 2011, volunteers and Committee of Management members took part in a working bee at the Reserve. The work party attracted a range of people, some having been involved in the well-being of the Reserve for more than 30 years along with some newcomers. Many brought unique knowledge and a range of skills, thus enhancing the success of the day. The working bee also provided an opportunity to meet some new people who share a passion for the longevity of the Reserve and the environment. Overall, the day was very successful and enjoyed by all.

The primary task involved the removal of woody weeds including the introduced cotoneaster and flax-leaved broom from selected sections within the Reserve. The larger weeds were cut off at the base and the remaining stumps poisoned while the smaller plants were removed manually by hand. All plant material was carried out of the forest by volunteers, loaded onto small pick-up trucks and taken to the local PineGrogreen waste facility in Moe. In all, six truckloads of weeds were taken away, with much more to be removed in the future.

In recognition of the substantial work carried out, the volunteers were rewarded with a free barbeque kindly provided by the Moe Lions Club, along with tea and coffee.

Future weed busters

Prior to future events, information will be promoted via letterbox flyers, radio, internet, through local organisations and on notification boards and entrance posts within the Reserve.

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